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Privacy Policy

We take data privacy seriously and are very conscious of and respect your privacy. Accordingly, we follow relevant best practices and applicable legal requirements. Your personal data is used only in accordance with our Data Policy as set out below. By subscribing to or continuing to use any of our services, you thereby accept this policy and agree it will apply.


All data we collect is kept secure, under strict access controls. We require those persons handling such data (including staff and third-party contractors) to meet strict rules of confidentiality, and we require them to strictly comply with this Data Policy and the law. We treat data security seriously.

What data we have

  1. Pantry Centrale keeps a subscriber list of emails in order to provide you with subscriber/member benefits and services, including regular communications, updates and special offers.

Within this subscriber list we have on occasion stored other information if it appeared on the opt-in form at the time. This information may include mobile phone number, email address and home address. Pantry Centrale does on occasion use this information to plan events relevant to groups of users that have provided such information.

  1. We collect standard Google Analytics data from our website page views (which does NOT identify you individually) that includes groups of users’ technical data (IP address, location, browser), demographics, and browsing information.
  2. If you contact us by email, we generally have a copy of that email correspondence which may be used for reference on occasion.

Reasons for needing your data

We aim to:

  1. contact regularly keep in touch with subscribers/members and notify them about events, promotions and other benefits. This includes regularly providing selected dining, cookery, food and beverage, products, activities, promotions and other information that think users will find interesting
  2. build, operate, update, maintain and improve/refine our subscriber and membership database
  3. respond to any enquiry, order, booking or other request received via email or site messaging
  4. promote our specials, events
  5. meet our obligations to or under any legal or government body or requirement

We treat your data confidentially

Your email addresses and associated data (where applicable) are kept secure and confidential.

Pantry Centrale does not track our users’ reading preferences on a user level basis.

Opt out

 Anyone who no longer wishes to be included in our mailing list database or be a registered member of our website amy (at no cost) request removal of their details and associated data by emailing to unsubscribe@casarinaldi.hk . Such request is processed fast, as Pantry Centrale strives to avoid sending unwanted communications.

In addition, there are opt out link for our mailing list included in all our newsletter correspondence.

We pledge to safeguard your personal data

Pantry Centrale ensures it is maintained confidentially and under high standards or security. In doing so, we require compliance by our staff and other relevant persons within these standards.

Policy review

We keep this (and our other policies) under review. When made, changes will appear on our website and subscribers will be notified by email or another alert. This does not reduce or limit your rights under applicable Hong Kong laws.

Access and update rights

You have the right to request:

  • to receive a copy of data, if we hold data about you
  • a data correction
  • to be informed of the kind of data we hold and of our data policies and practices