Pantry Centrale
Saint-Nectaire (cow) (200g)
The name of this Cheese comes from the name of a French general, Sir de Sennecterre in the XVIII century. Saint-Nectaire is a French cheese made in the Auvergne region of central France
It received the PDO label (Protected Designation of Origin) in 1955. Saint Nectaire is a pressed, uncooked cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk, mainly from the Salers cows
It has an uncooked semi-firm, pressed, supple and salted paste with a silk texture. Saint Nectaire Laitier has a flowery rind, with white, yellow or red spots
It has a chewy texture with mild nutty and sweet flavours. This creamy cheese can be enjoyed with olives and salami & along with a glass of Pinot Noir